about the client: Tomorrow biostasis
Tomorrow Biostasis is no ordinary cryopreservation company, they’re committed to advancing biostasis technology and its awareness in a simple, digital and transparent way.
Happy Members
European States
a vision: Cryopreservation for the future
our mission: scope challenge
Tomorrow Biostasis members sign up to be cryopreserved after their legal death by paying a 25 EUR monthly membership fee and the fee for a life insurance policy.
A lot of the users get confused and have questions about the pricing system. Our job was to simplify the process by making a new pricing page where users could more easily understand the pricing of cryopreservation by Tomorrow Biostasis.
Figma, Figjam, Notion, Discord, Zoom
⇢ Building a Persona
⇢ Pain Points
⇢ Lo-Fi's
⇢ Mid-Fi's
⇢ Refining the product
Interviews: Let's meet the members
To make the process easier for the future members of Tomorrow Biostasis we decided to assess first the results we receive from the interviews of the people who had already go throught the process of understanding the payment method and and build an Affinity Diagram based on their experiences.
These method helped us to efficiently sort out and vizualise relevant information gathered. By going through the similar answers we were able to detect where the common "mistakes" were happening.
market competitor analysis
For our market competitor analysis, we decided to expand the search of cryopreservation companies not only in Germany but the United States, Russia, China and Switzerland.
Our thorough observation process included a features comparison and applying the Nielsen Norman heuristics on the competitors websites.
Defining the Problem: the payment process
Firstly, they have a membership fee and the funding for the cryopreservation, which pay for different things. There are also several funding amounts for cryopreservation depending on whether it's whole body or brain only and there are several ways to achieve that funding (e.g. term life insurance, whole life insurance, last will).
Futuristic Fabian
34, Software Developer, Bitcoin enthusiast
Favorite media
Reddit, Discord, Trade Republic, WIRED, Youtube
Behaviour & Traits
He loves being able to take the initiative, explore ideas and be in control of his schedule. He likes the freedom to go wherever he wants it. Works on the tech industry and has always been interested in it. He is a very confident when presenting himself and very open for conversation with others.
Up to date on science, tech and innovation news. Favorite topics of conversation are about Cybersecurity, mobile technology and Cryptocurrency. AI's super-intelligence is an exciting possibility.
To be in the business of startups and venture capital funding.
To be on-top of the latest science and technological advances.